Weather or Not It’s Worth It
The awkward transitional time that happens as fall gives way to winter often leaves me searching for motivation. With not enough snow to ski and not enough ice to climb—at least for mortals like me—my adventures in the Whites are typically relegated to hiking. Lacking the speed of skiing and the excitement of ice climbing, at times I find myself asking is the drive for hiking worth it?
This past Saturday, another demotivating factor, snow, was put in the mix. Although the skier in me was excited to see snow in the forecast, it did have the potential for altering my Saturday plans for hiking in the Whites. In fact, I was secretly hoping that my hiking partner who travels from the Boston area would bail, allowing me to spend a lazy day on the couch.
With my partner firmly committed to the belief that a bad drive is a small price to pay for a good day in the mountains and no way to bail and retain my dignity, I was in for a day of hiking. As is often the case, the trip was worth the drive. I learned (again) that I always enjoy hiking more than I remember, and for the second weekend in a row we got great weather in the mountains. Sadly, we experienced less-than-great weather on the way home. Still worth it, though.
By Tim Peck